
Best abstract competition
Submission guidelines

Abstract submission deadline (September 8th, 2023)

You must read and follow all the instructions.  There is a cash prize for the best poster and the best oral presentation.

General Information

  • Submitted abstracts should include non-published data.
  • Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website.
  • Abstracts may not be edited/updated after final submission.
  • Please submit your abstract to this email gcnetwork@ssmg.org.sa. Your abstract is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us on the same email.
  • You will be notified if your abstract is accepted for poster or oral presentation by September 15th, 2023.
  • If your abstract is accepted as poster presentation, you must bring the printed version of your poster along with you to the conference venue. 
  • If your abstract is accepted as oral presentation, please prepare a 3-minute PowerPoint presentation.
  • Guidelines on preparing your presentation will be sent along with the acceptance email.

Abstract layout – Abstracts must be submitted with the following sections:

  • Background and Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

The total word count should not exceed 500. Tables and figures can be added if required but, in all cases, the total word count should not exceed 500 words (including, tables, figures, and references). References are not obligatory. 


deadline (September 8th, 2023)






